Consists of 9 Modules

1) Prayer and Personal Bible Study
2) Introduction to the Scriptures
3) Life of Christ
4) Acts of the Apostles
5) Holy Spirit
6) Life Management 1
7) Life Management 2
8) Life Management 3
9) Victorious Christianity

Consists of 10 Modules

1) Old Testament Survey
2) New Testament Survey
3) Life of Moses
4) Genesis
5) Basic Doctrine 1
6) Basic Doctrine 2
7) Vision and Values
8) Social Roles and Relationships
9) Speech and Communication
10) Discipleship

Consists of 10 Modules

1) Ministering to Personal Needs
2) Pastoral Ministry
3) Family Issues
4) Biblical Counselling
5) Evangelism
6) Homiletics
7) Local Church
8) Apologetics
9) Leadership
10) Church Planting

Area for Doctorate Students

Area for Master Students